[posted first on november 1, 2008]
hello, my name is matthew and i’ve been thinking...
it has been said by a lot of people that bigger is better, and i believe them. who, in their right mind, would take a 6 ounce sip of mountain dew when a 64 ounce bucket is also available?! why would we watch our favorite movie on a 2.5 inch screen, when there is a 5 foot screen in the next room?! how could we ever eat a regular meal deal, when we can supersize that bad boy for 50 cents?! bigger is better.
and this is the point that Jesus makes in matthew 28.19: ‘go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life...’
following Jesus is one thing; but bringing others along for the ride of a lifetime is something much, much bigger. and since we’ve established that bigger is definitely better, let’s make our following of Jesus BIGGER than ever.
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