
long live unboredom!!!

[first posted on august 18, 2008]

hello, my name is matthew and i’ve been thinking...

some things just don’t make sense... like the h3 hummer that is never driven off of the pavement, or the boeing 747 that is never taken out of the hangar, or the nuclear submarine that is never even allowed to go underwater... and this is only a short list of untapped potential. but one of the largest wastes of possible effectiveness has to be the Christ follower who never shares their faith with anyone. this is why mission arizona and the lost planet series are so critical for our fellowship. when we choose to live out the plan Jesus gave us for saving the lost, life begins to make sense! never forget that we were made to live our life on purpose, not on accident. so get off your backside & join us in august as we discover how to really live life. let the adventure begin... and long live unboredom!


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