
please sir... put down the rocks

[posted first on july 17, 2008]
winston gordon blogificates:

hello, my name is winston and i’ve been thinking...

life, everyone is always talking about it, making movies about it, even making board games out of it (hasbro knows how to make their billions). but everyone knows how to worry about it. for example, the money people used to use to buy unimportant things like groceries and toys for their children, they are now using to buy gas. lets not forget to mention the election, with so much hoopla over what bush has or has not done the last eight years. and what about the longest primary ever (honestly, before this year i did not even know anyone really cared about the primaries). this november is sure to be one for the history books. this is the life we live in today as americans (of course, i am assuming you are all american. if you are not, i am sorry for the ignorance). the dollar is dropping, and everybody is talking and worrying. isn’t it funny how much stuff gets summed up into such a small word like life. i mean, when you talk about life, you can talk about the beginning or the end, the good or the bad, the board game or the feature film. but can we please just make all of our lives a little bit easier and stop thinking about the stuff that stresses us. i have noticed, especially getting older in my high school career, i see so many people preparing for life in the future that they are not living their life of the present. so many people are worrying about college, and then they will worry about a job, and then they will worry about being successful and having a family. here’s a thought, lets worry about what movie we are going to see tonight with our friends, or which mall we are going to go to later. don’t get me wrong, i am not saying goof off and stopping caring about the future, then you might end up like pastor matt (just kidding, who wouldn’t want 4 kids with enough energy to power new york city, with one more on the way). all i am saying is: stop trying to catch the good life, and let God bring the good life to you. work hard, but then go play just as hard. when you spend more time thinking about life than you do living it, you end up like that old cat lady that every one thinks is a witch, or the old guy on his porch with a shotgun who throws rocks at little kids as they pass. and who really wants to end up like that?


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