
solo sock

[posted first on july 1, 2008]

hello, my name is matthew and i’ve been thinking...

losing stuff is not cool at all. you know that your phone is right where you left it, the only thing is, you’re not sure where it is that you left it... what about that one time when your backpack literally grew arms and crawled underneath your bed? and why is one sock in every pair genetically programmed to disappear into the abyss? i am convinced that we spend most of our lives doing one of two things:

1. looking for our lost stuff

2. organizing our stuff so it doesn’t get lost

but when we stop to consider our spiritual lives, the stakes grow much higher than mismatched socks. the price we pay for being lost is death... good news: we can receive the gift of eternal life through faith in Jesus! even better, we can share our faith with others so they can also be found! join us as we study the book of acts and discover God’s plan to rescue this lost planet.


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